Understanding Skin Geography: How Your Body’s Systems Affect Your Skin
As the body’s largest organ, the skin is the outermost layer of the integumentary system, acting as a barrier against environmental stressors. But beneath the skin, there’s much more happening than meets the eye.
Six Things To Know If You Have Melasma
Lately I’m seeing more and more clients struggling with Melasma, a skin condition that causes patches and spots, usually on the face, which are darker than your natural skin tone. It can be very frustrating because like a lot of other skin conditions there is a lot of misinformation and mixed messages out there. Seeking treatment options leads to overwhelm and I’m encountering more and more people who just don’t know where to turn. Melasma is a complex subject and it can vary from person to person.
My Top 5 Food Hacks For Healthy Skin
Eating for healthy skin can really be easy. It’s not this huge project that you have to turn your life upside down to achieve. You don’t need an extensive shopping list, you don’t need to count calories or grams of anything! In fact, you might already be eating healthier than you think. Here’s my top five tips to make it even easier…
My Top 5 Supplements For Healthy Skin
I get asked alot about taking supplements to improve skin conditions. There really is no magic pill. Believe me, if there was I would have found it by now! However, over the years I have seen a few supplements that really do make a difference, both in the improvement of certain conditions like acne and in making the skin appear healthier and younger-looking. Obviously not all supplements are created equal so I’ve included my favorite brands. The good news is also that you can get all of these from delicious food too!