I first decided to become an aesthetician for one reason:
I had bad skin. That was in 2005…

I struggled with acne, hyperpigmentation, redness and very reactive skin. I learned along the way that there is a whole lot more to having healthy skin than just buying the right moisturizer or serum. Once I started taking care of my skin from the inside as well as the outside, things really started to change for the better. The best part, is the results are sustainable, they don’t go away!

I studied over 100 different dietary theories at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2013 to become an IIN® Health Coach and in 2020 became a Certified Nutritional Aesthetics® Provider to further incorporate holistic elements into my aesthetic practice. I enjoy educating clients on all things skin and I’ve since added blogging about clean beauty and skincare as part of my professional offerings.

In my down time you’ll find me hanging out with my family and dogs, watching movies, doing crafty stuff, reading, cooking and gardening!

Hi, I’m pam edmondson.

My Approach: nutritional Aesthetics®

Right now as you read this you are creating new cells, among them are new skin cells. The food you are eating contributes directly to the make up of those new cells. Ask yourself, what do you want to be made of?

skin nutrition education and support

Nutritional changes sound overwhelming and even scary to a lot of people. It doesn’t have to be that way. There are many ways to easily integrate nutrition into your life and your skin will thank you for it! As a certified IIN® Health Coach and Nutritional Aesthetics® Provider,I’ve studied nutrition as it relates to skin health for over 20 years. I can help you with solutions that don’t leave you feeling deprived!

My Approach: corneotherapy

Corneotherapy is the “outside-in” approach to skin, meaning: the epidermis is kept intact at all times. It’s the antidote to the “blasting the skin to oblivion,” aggressive and invasive treatments you see everywhere today. I consider it to be the skin care choice of the future, since more and more people are catching onto the fact that their current aggressive regimens are only making their skin worse.

Corneotherapy in the treatment room

Many aestheticians think that preserving the skin barrier means the treatment isn’t effective, or doesn’t go “deep enough”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. By assisting the skin in healing itself, the results are phenomenal. I’ve seen it time and again in 20 years in practice.

corneotherapy at home

What you do to your skin at home accounts for 80% of your results! I am happy to empower you to have your best skin ever with home care products that support your skin in a healthy way and best of all give you the results you’ve been looking for - finally!

 “Pam has taught me that beauty goes beyond skin deep. I know now that I have to take care of myself; mentally and physically. To the way I think to what products I use and even what I put in my body. Pam’s knowledge and instruction have made a positive difference in my appearance and my overall health”

— Maureen M.

“By far the best skincare experience I’ve ever had. Pam is the most skilled and knowledgeable skin care expert I’ve been to. My skin is looking better than it has in years after just three months of following Pam’s recommendations.” -Sara W.

“Go see my favorite aesthetician Pam Edmondson! She has been my brow specialist since I was 13 years old and has not only done my facials but taught me how to care for my skin at home with the best products! She keeps me glowing and feeling amazing!” - Hayle G.


Evergreen Skin Studio is located near 21st & Webb Road in the Offices at Cranbrook. The suite is nestled in a quiet corner inside Utopia Modern Salon Suites. Arrive a little early if you like and enjoy a sunny spot and warm cup of tea in our waiting area.