Wellness, Holistic Skincare Pam Edmondson Wellness, Holistic Skincare Pam Edmondson

Why Buying New Skincare Products Probably Won’t Fix Your Skin Problems.

Here’s something the beauty industry will NEVER tell you:
Looking good has nothing to do with spending lots of money.
Many of us have been guilty of the “fast food” beauty habit. It looks like this...
You have problem skin, it’s breaking out a lot or it’s super dry or blotchy and red so you go out and you drop a load of cash on a whole new skin regimen.

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Wellness, Holistic Skincare Pam Edmondson Wellness, Holistic Skincare Pam Edmondson

4 Pillars of My Holistic Skincare Practice

Since it’s National Skin Care Awareness Month, I thought I’d share with you these basic principles I use to guide my professional aesthetics practice. I’ve been practicing now for 19 years and I didn’t always have a road map on how to treat clients. These are things I’ve developed over time going through struggles with my own skin right alongside my clients and their unique skin concerns. These 4 pillars are also the result of countless trial and error scenarios and the various books and articles I’ve read and educational programs I’ve sought out over the years.

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Holistic Skincare, Nutrition Pam Edmondson Holistic Skincare, Nutrition Pam Edmondson

Six Things To Know If You Have Melasma

Lately I’m seeing more and more clients struggling with Melasma, a skin condition that causes patches and spots, usually on the face, which are darker than your natural skin tone. It can be very frustrating because like a lot of other skin conditions there is a lot of misinformation and mixed messages out there. Seeking treatment options leads to overwhelm and I’m encountering more and more people who just don’t know where to turn. Melasma is a complex subject and it can vary from person to person.

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