The Power of the Pause
This time of year you'll hear a lot of talk about resolutions and goal setting and planning for the new year. I'm not really a resolution maker but I do like to come up with a theme or a few words at the beginning of each year. For 2024 my main word is “pause”.
You may already know that I ended 2023 by closing my business. I went from running a 7 room spa and retail store to being a solo aesthetician. As a business owner the last few years have been a stress-fest. Lots of ups and downs and extreme situations to say the least. I don’t necessarily want to blame it all on the pandemic, but its effects on my industry in particular were drastic. Whether it be the economic impact or just the day to day dealing with customers and employees, I’m maybe just now realizing the toll it has taken on me. After a crazy whirlwind of activity to get things downsized and moved and getting my suite up and running, things are finally starting to settle and it’s almost like slowly waking up from a really long, really bad dream.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved running Skin Essentials. I would not have kept the pace of sometimes working almost every waking hour, if I didn’t love it. I loved the atmosphere and culture I was able to create there. I’m happy that I got to do it for so long. I was able to serve a lot of clients and help many estheticians learn new skills and advance their careers. I just finally realized that I was the biggest resource I had, and I was getting too depleted so it wasn’t sustainable.
This is where the pause comes in. I’m breaking that over-work habit by just pausing before I decide to start a project. Pausing before I make a to-do list that’s too long. Pausing before deciding to stay up too late working on this blog or marketing tasks. Pausing before trying to squeeze in last minute appointments when I’m already fully booked. Pausing before skipping meals, or other basic needs. Just pause, and then really think about what I’m doing. Pausing helps you be more intentional about how you spend your days and how you are treating yourself. Now, I’m not always successful at this because old habits die hard, but I’m just keeping that word- pause- in the forefront of my mind to remind me. (I also have it on a little sticky note at my desk and at my treatment room station.)
All this got me thinking that the pause could be easily applied to skin health. So many times I hear clients say they know what they need to do to have healthier skin, but they just don’t end up doing it because they lack the time, they’re too stressed from work and kids or they just feel overwhelmed in general so their self care suffers. In reality, making time for self-care is exactly what they need to combat the effects of all that stress! So instead of a New Years resolution, here is a little list of things I want you to consider leaving behind in 2023.
Neglecting yourself.
This is that habit of putting yourself last. You know how it goes. The spouse/kids/job/house etc come first and you end up not doing the basic things that keep you healthy. Things like buying and preparing healthy meals, drinking enough water, taking breaks, resting and recharging, getting a facial or massage, even just washing your face at the end of the day. (Definitely pause before deciding to sleep in that makeup!) I hope you’ll leave this neglect behind and not bring it into 2024!
2. Not being intentional with your skincare.
Leave behind impulse buying skincare products. The latest thing that shows up on your social media feed is probably not what your skin needs. Influencers are all over the internet and they get paid by companies to brag about their products so that you’ll buy. Some influencers are even doctors. Don’t fall for it! Pause before you “add to cart”! Instead, work with an aesthetician. Design a home care routine that is unique to your specific situation and one that you can easily do and be consistent with. Constantly adding new products on a whim will do more harm than good. It takes a minimum of 4 weeks using a product to make a difference and sometimes can take several months. Being intentional and consistent will pay off big time, I promise!
3. Unrealistic goals.
I would like to have a conversation with whoever started this “glass skin” and “glazed donut” skin ideal. It’s totally ridiculous. This is not what skin is. Healthy skin has texture, it can vary in color and tone. Stop buying into these unattainable concepts. Treat your skin and your body in healthy ways and you’ll eventually get to healthy skin!
4. Sabotaging healthy sleep.
Sleep is super important when it comes to your skin health, your overall health and just the quality of your life. The human body absolutely needs sleep! It’s non-negotiable. Sleep is needed for so many biological processes. Every organ is affected by it or by the lack of it, including of course your skin! Leave behind these habits that sabotage your sleep: Not going to bed at the same time every night, staying online late at night, eating or drinking late at night, not getting sunlight first thing in the morning (this resets your circadian rhythm and is a game changer if you have trouble sleeping)
If you find yourself with any of these habits, don’t feel overwhelmed. Focus on just one to begin. Remind yourself to pause first! I’m here to help if you need me. Schedule a consultation with me today to get started!
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about skin health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.